The object of any organization is to achieve its goals because the organization is formed to achieve the goals but in today’s time it is becoming very difficult to achieve the goals and maintain the existence of the organization because so much change is happening in the market that a small mistake of the organization can put the organization in danger, that is why management is used in the organization to achieve the goals and maintain its existence.
The concept of management is not a new concept, it has existed since the existence of living things, however, it has been expanding with the passage of time. As time goes by management is becoming more scientifically advanced and is also being adopted as a career.
The term management is used in various senses, but in an organization, it is used to manage resources and it is an important part of any activity of the organization.

Table of Contents
What is Management?
Meaning of Management
Management is a process of managing something which includes planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, controlling, etc., and is used universally and cannot be seen, it can only be understood through the results. Management function in an organization is performed by the management team and the better the management team, the better can be the results.
In today’s time, management is being taught as a subject in schools, colleges, etc. Although it is already being studied and it is also being adopted as a career just like doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc. Due to increasing competition in the market, the need for people with management profession in the organization is increasing and this profession is also getting a lot of importance.
Definition of Management
According to Mary Parker Follett – “Management is the art of getting things done through people.”
According to George R. Terry – “Management is a distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling, performed to determine and accomplish stated objectives by the use of human beings and other resources”.
According to William Spriegel – “Management is that function of an enterprise which concerns itself with the direction and control of the various activities to attain the business objectives.”
According to Henry Fayol – “Management is a process of forecasting followed by planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling the activities of others.”
Features of Management
Following are the features of management:
1. Process:
It is a process of managing something and this process includes the steps like planning, organising, staffing, directing, coordinating and controlling, etc. and this process continues as long as the organization exists, so it is also called a continuous process.
2. Profession:
Management is a profession because it is a systematic body of knowledge and consists of techniques, rules, etc. and is taught as a subject and pursued as a career.
3. Universal:
The scope of management is unlimited because it is used universally, whether it is education, religion, politics, sports or business. Wherever something is done to achieve a goal, management comes automatically.
4. Social Process:
Management is a social process as it deals with people and involves directing, coordinating, controlling, etc. the activities of people
5. Art and Science:
Management is both an art and a science. Management is an art because it requires personal knowledge and management is a science because it has certain principles which are used universally.
6. Intangible:
Management is intangible as it can neither be seen nor touched, it can only be understood through results and the better the management, the better the results can be.
7. Dynamic:
Management is dynamic as it adapts itself depending upon the environmental changes and this feature makes the management special as the environment keeps on changing from time to time.
Read also:
Q1. What is management?
Ans: Management is a process of managing something.
Q2. Is management practiced universally?
Ans: Yes, management is practiced universally.
Q3. Is Management taught as a subject?
Ans: Yes, Management is taught as a subject.
Q4. Is management a process?
Ans: Yes, management is a process.
Q5. Is management tangible or intangible?
Ans: Management is intangible.
Q6. Write the features of management.
Ans: Following are the features of management:
1. Management is a process.
2. Management is a profession.
3. Management is a social process.
4. Management is an art as well as a science.
5. Management is universal.
6. Management is intangible.
7. Management is dynamic.