All the related concepts in accounting facilitate to manage the transactions systematically, this is because all the economic transactions taking place in the business are important for the business. By systematically managing all the economic transactions that take place in a business, several accounting reports are prepared that help in understanding the business. One of these reports is the trial balance.
Trial balance is not a part of the accounting process and is not used as a report in business, but it is prepared to check arithmetic errors, double entry system, etc. Trial balance is prepared after classifying the transactions in the ledger accounts and subsidiary books as only the account balance is recorded in it. Generally, there is no fixed format of trial balance but whatever format will be prepared should be as per the concept of trial balance.

Table of Contents
Format of Trial Balance
The format of trial balance is described below:
Trial Balance
of M/s ABC Company
as on 31st March 2024
Particulars | L.F. | Debit Balance | Credit Balance |
Name of the Accounts/Groups/Natures | – | – | |
– Capitals A/C | – | xxxx | |
– Liabilities A/C | – | xxxx | |
– Expenses A/C | xxxx | – | |
– Assets A/C | xxxx | – | |
– Revenues A/C | – | xxxx | |
Total | xxxxx | xxxxx |
1. General:
This section of the trial balance format includes all the external elements of the format like report name, business name, period, and other elements, etc. All these elements help in understanding the report like which report is this, what business it is related to, data period, etc. All these elements are written before using the trial balance format.
Trial Balance
of M/s ABC Company
as on 31st March 2024
2. Particulars:
In this column, the name of the account is written like Sales Account, Purchase Account, Debtor Account, Creditor Account, Capital Account, and Other Account, etc. If discussed group-wise/nature-wise it includes all the accounts of capital, liabilities, expenses, assets, revenue, etc. Only the name of the account is written in this column and the amount is written in the respected column.
Particulars |
Sales Account |
Purchase Account |
Debtor’s Account |
Creditor’s Account |
Cash Account |
Bank Account |
3. L.F.:
L. F. full form is Ledger Folio, and it means page number of the ledger book. In this column, the page number of the ledger book is written where the related account is. For example, if the cash account exists on page number 15 of the ledger book, then page number 15 will be written in the trial balance. It is used to manage accounts systematically and with its help it becomes easy to find the account in the ledger book.
Particulars | L.F. |
Sales Account | 01 |
Purchase Account | 10 |
Debtor’s Account | 25 |
Creditor’s Account | 60 |
Cash Account | 15 |
Bank Account | 18 |
4. Debit Balance:
The debit balance is written in this column. Generally, debtors, banks, cash, assets, expenses, etc. are debit balance accounts. The account name is written in the particulars column and the amount is written in this column. For example, if the bank account balance is Rs. 1,60,000/- then the bank account will be written in the particulars column, and the amount Rs. 1,60,000/- will be written in the debit amount column. This field helps to understand which account’s balance is debit.
Particulars | L.F. | Debit Balance |
Expenses Account | 67 | 1,00,000/- |
Assets Account | 75 | 5,20,000/- |
Debtor’s Account | 25 | 2,50,000/- |
Cash Account | 15 | 40,000/- |
Bank Account | 18 | 1,60,000/- |
5. Credit Balance:
The credit balance is written in this column. Generally, creditors, capital, revenue, loans, depreciation, etc. are credit balance accounts. According to the group/ nature, there is a credit balance of capital, liabilities, revenue, etc. In this also the name of the account is written in the particulars column and the amount is written in the related column. For example, if the sales account balance is Rs. 5,00,000/- then the sales account will be entered in the particulars column and Rs. 5,00,000/- will be written in the credit balance column. With its help, it becomes easy to find out which account’s balance is credit.
Particulars | L.F. | Debit Balance |
Creditor’s Account | 60 | 2,00,000/- |
Capital Account | 79 | 2,20,000/- |
Revenue Account | 83 | 5,00,000/- |
Loan Account | 77 | 1,20,000/- |
Depreciation Account | 81 | 30,000/- |
6. Total:
In this section, the total balance of the trial balance is written. The total of the debit balance is written on the debit side and the total of the credit balance is written on the credit side. This section plays a very important role in the trial balance because if the balance of both sides matches then it is considered that there is no arithmetic error and double entry system error in the accounting process. If the balances of both sides do not match, then Suspense Account can be used.
Trial Balance
of M/s ABC Company
as on 31st March 2024
Particulars | L.F. | Debit Balance | Debit Balance |
Expenses Account | 67 | 1,00,000/- | – |
Creditor’s Account | 60 | – | 2,00,000/- |
Assets Account | 75 | 5,20,000/- | – |
Capital Account | 79 | – | 2,20,000/- |
Revenue Account | 83 | – | 5,00,000/- |
Loan Account | 77 | – | 1,20,000/- |
Debtor’s Account | 25 | 2,50,000/- | – |
Depreciation Account | 81 | – | 30,000/- |
Cash Account | 15 | 40,000/- | – |
Bank Account | 18 | 1,60,000/- | – |
Total | – | 10,70,000/- | 10,70,000/- |
Read Also:
Q1. Write the names of any five credit balance accounts.
Ans: Following are the names of five credit balance accounts:
1. Revenue Account
2. Capital Account
3. Depreciation Account
4. Loan Account
5. Creditor’s Account
Q2. Write the names of any five debit balance accounts.
Ans: Following are the names of five debit balance accounts:
1. Cash Account
2. Bank Account
3. Expenses Account
4. Assets Account
5. Debtor’s Account
Q3. What is ledger folio in trial balance?
Ans: In trial balance, the ledger folio means the page number of the ledger book.
Q4. Is it true that the trial balance has only one particulars column?
Ans: Yes, it is true that the trial balance has only one particulars column.
Q5. Write the columns of the trial balance format.
Ans: Following are the columns of the trial balance format:
1. Particulars
2. Ledger Folio (L.F.)
3. Debit Balance
4. Credit Balance